A Sampling of My Commissions

                           "Ima Quick Dreammaker"


This wonderful APHA Stallion was a dream to paint.  His markings and colouring made my job easy.  His owners, John and Audrey Rovere of Essex Ontario, wanted to, and did use, this image for the cover of the "Ontario Horse Traders" breeders edition in 2010.  I thoroughly enjoyed working with them to produce this rendering, to their great satisfaction.

                      "Taffy"- a dear family member


Taffy is an endearing family pet.  Her owners wanted to have a keepsake as their loving companion grows older, and they wished to remember her just as she is, in her best years.  Taffy is a great hockey fan, and displays her Red Wing colours with pride.  Her life keepers, Brian and Carol, wanted to display her in their home, and as is befitting the household ruler, her picture is displayed in their living room.  However, she does rule the roost with a loving happy heart.



Cooler is an A.K.C. Champion Yellow Labrador Retriever.  His owner Kathy wished for me to render his image from a professional photograph.  Although I had not seen the dog, in the flesh, until after the painting was finished, the owner said that I captured his likeness very keenly, and she was extremely satisfied with his expression.  This painting, with Kathy's permission, was entered and became an award winning piece, in a nation wide painting competion in 2009.